Hi Becky,
a new interesting development in the last few days...

I'm hoping you may have some wisdom how I should deal with it.
Our childminder is on holiday for a week so this week I'm at home with DS and I thought I'd take this opportunity to really work on his daytime naps. Just to recap, so far this has been what has been happening if I put him down during the day:
1) We start gradual winding down through something to eat and some quiet play (reading a book or watching some TV)
2) I tell him it's getting close to nap time
3) He tends to react grumpily to this - usually just answers with a 'NO!'
4) We head upstairs to change his nappy and get him ready. He usually starts crying a bit by then.
5) I stick him in his sleeping bag (otherwise he'll try to escape the cot)
6) I offer him his milk on my lap (this is something that I do in the evening when it works really well, so I thought I'd use it for nap time too) but he ALWAYS refuses it, pushes it away and just cries. He usually cries 'night night' and wants to lie in his cot, but at the same time seems really unhappy about it - it kind of baffles me...
7) I lie him down in his cot, kiss him and tell him to have a good nap now.

He continues crying and I go in every so often, usually to no avail, but at least he knows that I'm there for him.
9) within 20 minutes or so he falls asleep, then sleeps for 1.5 - 2 hours.
Well, this is what USED TO HAPPEN. What happens now is the same, but he doesn't fall asleep anymore. Instead, after about 5-10 minutes of crying in his cot he calms down and starts chatting to himself. He then (I assume) starts to play with his teddies. Occasionally he calls out to me but doesn't seem upset, so I haven't been acting on that. The last two days this has been going on for about 40 minutes, when he starts getting upset again and really wants to come out. By that point I have to get him as it is becoming pretty evident that he is not going to sleep.
I'm a bit helpless how to deal with that!
I think what has happened is that he's found a way to keep himself awake - by playing. When he just used to lie there and cry he'd eventually fall asleep, but now, because he sits up and plays, he can just fight it. I wouldn't mind this so much if it seemed like he'd do OK without the sleep, but in the afternoon he is so tired! I started packing him off to bed a bit earlier in the evening now because yesterday he literally almost fell asleep over his dinner - his eyes were shutting and he was swaying on his chair!
His nighttime routine is - so far - unaffected by this, but then, it's only been 2 days with absolutely no daytime sleep, so I am worried that things will start slipping again with that too.
Any suggestions what I might try?! I'm just stumped by this new development!