My almost 1 yr old has a problem with winding back up when I put him in his crib for naps. Sarah2 had a sleeping methods post saying:
Toddler pd -
Do your bedtime routine, lay your child in his crib and stand back. When he cries, go to him, lay him down and stand back regardless of whether or not he is still crying. Repeat as necessary. If he is laying down crying but does not stand, go to him and comfort him briefly. If he is not crying but only stands, ignore him.
But my son will either play and play as long as I'm in his room with him and then becomes overtired and finds it hard to settle at all; or he will start biting (and trying to bite off parts of his nice wooden crib, in which case I intervene because I don't want him ruining his teeth or his nice bed. - and NO, he's not hungry!) Besides, that, I can't spend another hour or more sitting with him in his room while he winds himself back down. What usually happens is that he starts crying after a while or I stop him from biting his crib, or after a while he throws his paci and blanket overboard and I won't return it to him. But when I comfort him and return his items and do PD he starts all over again with the standing up and playing.
Also, if you are suggesting I try WalkInWalkOut (which I am just learning about) how do I know this is going to be safe to do since he has always been a terrible sleeper and doesn't have independent sleep firmly established yet? {He has been doing PD with very improved success over the last 3 weeks but this is an all new thing for him.} Also, what is the difference between WIWO and the Ferber method? Is it that you are listening and responding and not going by the clock for reassurance?