my problem for you to help solve is my lovely baby doesn't sleep through the night and never has. She is currently sleeping from 7pm to 1am (though if she hears me going to bed at about 10pm she'll wake). I feed her at 1am but she is up again at 3am and then 5.30am and then 7am to start her day. I always try burping her first when she wakes up after the 1am feed and if I hear a burp I can generally put her back down to settle herself after a few minutes. But if I don't get a burp I end up feeding her as she won't settle by herself. She has never had colic but does find it painful to pass wind at night and will often cry out, pass wind and then go back to sleep.
I have tried letting her cry through the 1am but after an hour of her crying I give in. I don't risk letting her cry at 3am or 5.30am as I have a 6 year old son who needs his sleep for school and a husband who needs to be bright eyed for the morning.
Currently she sleeps in our bedroom and my husband is sleeping in the spare room which is not insulated and damp/cold so don't want to put her in there. Was planning on her being able to sleep through the night and then share my 6 year old's room.
She is a brilliant day sleeper - I put her to bed awake and she puts herself to sleep sucking her ring and index finger. She naps 3 times a day for 1.5 hours morning, 2 hours lunch and 1 hour afternoon and maybe another nap about 5.30pm.
She is breastfed an hour before she sleeps and has recently started solids which haven't made a difference to her sleep - I was hoping that they would be the solution. She only feeds during the day every 4 hours and is a quick drinker, finished in under 10 minutes.
She is a chunky looking baby and people often comment that they are suprised she's breastfed. She only started solids a month ago.
Her routine is
7am wake up and breastfeed then sit up and play in cot 15 minutes
8am 2 icecubes of porridge with banana/pear, and then a crust of bread to self feed.
9.30am morning nap for 1.5 hours
11am breastfeed
12.30pm lunch nap for up to 2 hours.
2-2.30pm wake up, snack of rice cakes/water, and do the school run
3.30pm breastfeed
4.30pm afternoon nap (not as easily settled), maybe sleeps only an hour
5.30pm wake and play
6pm final breast feed and solids (2 icecubes of veg and rice powder).
7pm bed and falls asleep pretty much instantly.
She is such a great day baby and is smiley, self settling to sleep, great day naps, happy to go to other people, not too clingy, plays well on her own etc.
I really want to crack this night thing as she hasn't got teeth, isn't teething but I know that I'll find it harder to let her cry at night if I'm worried it's from her teeth.