I have 2 kids - DS is 26 1/2 months, DD is 11 weeks. I am having sleep issues with both.
DS - has been waking earlier than normal. He has always been an early waker (between 6-7), but lately has been waking around 5 and will not go back to sleep. His nap is also an issue. He is not napping more than 1 hr. I have tried wi/wo with him in both instances and it doesn't work. He just ends up screaming his head off and banging on the door, which wakes up DD who is next door. I have tried cuddling with him for a few minutes, but usually won't even go back in his bed to cuddle. His bedtime used to be 8, but I've pushed it back to 7. His nap used to be 11:30-12, but I've pushed it to 12:30-1. Problem is, he is so tired, if we go anywhere in the morning, even as early as 9, he will fall asleep in the vehicle or in the stroller if we go for a walk. Obviously he needs more sleep, but I just don't know what else to do. I am so tired of battling with him!
DD - is also not a great sleeper. We have been using a 3hr easy routine, but as you will see it is so warped! The nighttimes are good - if she eats decently all day(you'll see what I mean in a minute). If she has good feeds all day she will only be up once or twice - a 6hr sleep shift, then 4hr shift. If she doesn't eat good, then she is up every 3 hrs in the night. My main problem with her is during the day. She is not eating great or sleeping hardly at all. It is better in the am, but gets worse as the day goes on. She will only eat for a few minutes on one side (sometimes draining it, sometimes not) then will pull off. She will not go back on, she screams her head off. I have tried burping her, waiting a bit (up to 1/2 even), different positions, etc. nothing works. So after trying to get her to eat for about 45 min, I give up. Then I get her ready for a sleep after she has been awake for about 1hr 15min- 1hr 1/2. In the am she falls asleep easily. However, 20 min later she is awake. i've tried leaving her for a few minutes, but she does not go back to sleep on her own. I've tried shush pat and her soother. This sort of works for her first nap as she is so tired, she will start to fall asleep. But I basically have to stand there holding the soother in, as if it falls out she wakes up. Regardless, if she does fall back asleep, she wakes again in about 10 min. So I end up either standing in her room for the entire time she is supposed to be sleeping or I take her out and hold her on the couch - which is what I have been doing more so in the last couple of days just to get her to sleep. As the day goes on, she eats worse and worse (she will eat good after she has had a decent nap, which is rare) and sleeps less and less. By 10, the only way I can get her to fall asleep is by holding her in her fave position, cradling her facing down and slightly bouncing her. But usually if I put her down in her crib or swing or bouncy chair, she will wake up and not go back to sleep. She cries lots, when I try and get her to eat or sleep. The only time she is content during Activity time is in the morning, after that she will not hang out without being held. If I lay her on her play gym, or put her in her swing or bouncy chair she cries. How can I keep up with any kind of routine, when she only sleeps for 20 min and then isn't ready to eat again. She isn't ready for that much Activity time - she needs to sleep. Any ideas on how to adjust the E.A.S or can I??
She eats at 6:30/7pm, fights to fall asleep in our arms for about 1/2 hr (crying), while one of us put DS to bed. Then she eats at about 8:30/9 and is put in her crib for bed. Majority of the time she will sleep until about 2ish, feed again, then sleep until 6ish, go back to sleep until about 7:30/8. But, lately she has been waking up an extra time to feed (around 12) and not going back to sleep once up at 6, most likely because DS has been awake and I have to feed her in the living room where he is onstead of in my dark quiet room. I don't do the dream feed, as the second she is in bed so am I!!
I have been battling issues with her since she was 2wks old. She had thrush for about a month, we just couldn't get rid of it. But I took her to the dr a couple of weeks ago and he says she is fine.
I feel like I am trapped in my house spending my entire day (and night) getting my kids to sleep. I am literally exhausted. My husband is here to help out in the evenings for 2 hrs before bed, but I have no family around to help out. I feel like both kids are so overtired. My poor son spends most of the day watching TV right now as I have been focusing on getting DD to sleep all day. I end up breaking down at least once a day. I need some help! Does anyone have any advice for me to try?? Please!