Gus is 7 months next week and to be totally honest, we are battling with solids. He likes rice cereal and sweet potato but that's pretty much it - the problem is that they are quite constipating. He will occasionally eat zucchini. Doesn't like pear, cauliflower, parsnips. He seems to prefer jarred food to the ones I make
But only likes one particular brand "Earths Best organic". I am not a fan of jars as I think they all taste the same. I figure if he's going to eat jars, the least he can eat is organic!!! LOL!
I know that milk is supposed to be their main supply of food for the first year anyway, so I know my milk is enough for him. BUT, obviously, I'd like him to eat some solid food (and something that's not going to bung him up) - I know if he doesn't take some extra calories from solids, then I'm going to be breastfeeding round the clock! I really don't like giving jars out of principal, I'd much prefer to make my own food (and they are expensive).
Should I wait a bit and try to introduce solids in a couple of weeks or so. I'd like to continue with the rice and sweet potato as he likes it - but again, don't want to constipate him.
DS# 1 was totally different - he's a "vegaholic" - still - he can't get enough of his veg and fruit! He took everything first go so this is new territory for me!
He's quite slow in his development compared to a lot of babies the same age - not even close to sitting up yet. He won't take a bottle either. I know he's fine though! Even though he wasn't premature, he was very small at birth (4 pounds 14 ounces) - he sometimes acts as if he's premature!