Hi there
Hoping you ladies can give some advice as feeling a bit lost at the mo
I will give you a bit of history about him first as it might help.....Danny has been a very sicky baby since birth, we thought it was was severe reflux at first as he was projectile vomiting, lost weight and became very unwell but at 3 1/2weeks he was diagnosed with a (moderate) Pyloric Stenosis. He had surgery to correct this, everything went well but he was still quite a sicky baby after and at 7 1/2 weeks after a hospital stay the Paed said he had relux so we started him on Infant Gaviscon in his bottles. It has helped and made things managable for the most part, he does not seem to get pain just more fussy at times.....poor little man!!
We started weaning Danny 4/5 weeks ago (he is just over 5 months now), we started very slowly with a few teaspoons of baby rice for a week, then pear, apple, carrot. 3 weeks into weaning he had episodes of sceaming his little heart out sobbing......obviously in pain seem to be his tummy as he would not bend his legs and cried when pressed. We massaged his belly, cylcled his legs and eventually something must of moved ?gas bubble and he was ok and he had a poo. He poos daily no problem, well very rarely will he miss a day its always been soft/mushy yellow being on Aptamil milk. Its a darker yellow since solids which I think is normal. He has had a couple of days of these episodes over the last 2 weeks not always pooing as a end result something seems to move and he is settled again. I decided to go back to baby rice and pear last week and things were ok tried sweet potato but the last 3 days he has had these episodes again......its heartbreaking to watch
I rang the HV today and she said to go back to just baby rice and pretty much start again.....if he is still having these episodes on just baby rice to take him to the docs as it could be something else.
I was wondering if reflux can cause or add to these sorts of problems? Also do you think I should not give apple, carrot at all as Im assuming they could of caused these problems?!?
I suppose Im feeling totally lost..... my first son had no problems weaning and everything seemed to fall into place.
I would be grateful for any thoughts or advice or if anyone has been thru anything similar reading your storys