Hi Ladeez,
I hope you dont mind me picking your brains as I wondered what the conventional wisdom is on when to use a pillow or blanket / duvet for my lo.
He is 18 months now and has always had a grobag since we stopped swaddling and is fine with that however he's about to grow out of them and i wondered if we should transition to blankets / duvets? The grobags are great but quite pricey and I guess we wouldnt use them once he's in a big bed as they arent great for walking around in!
This might sound crazy to those of you that have always used blankets but i'm worried about him wriggling out from underneath and getting cold or worse still getting stuck under it. He moves around A LOT at night in his cot. What works for you? Blankets / duvets?
Also, he's never had a pillow but recently when he was ill we were snuggled on the sofa and he drifted off on one then when i put him to bed that night he asked for a pillow. When I resist he tosses and turns on his front to get comfortable but if I relent, he lays back as if he were floating on air and falls asleep really easily on the pillow. Even his naps have got better which is amazing as he's never been a good napper!
Actually, it's not that odd when i think about it as DH is obsessed with his pillows and making sure they are just right... i couldnt give two hoots so long as there is somewhere to lay my head.
Anyway - sorry if this all sounds a bit trivial especially if you are going through toddler sleeping troubles.. trust me we've been there too; i'm just worried about smothering etc
Any words of wisdom?