Author Topic: 4.5 month old wakes up regularly through the night  (Read 815 times)

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4.5 month old wakes up regularly through the night
« on: November 25, 2008, 19:33:23 pm »
My 4.5 month old hasn't really gotten into a consistent night time sleep pattern.  He sleeps anywhere from 2 to 6 hours at a stretch.  We love the 6 hour stretch, but it only happens every now and then.  Other days he wakes up after 2 or 3 hours.  He may not necessarily need a feed, but just wakes up and then can't go back to sleep on his own. 

Here's his evening schedule.

He naps 3 times a day, and his last nap is from 5 to 6 pm.  I nurse him during the day, but bottle feed him formula for his last meal of the day.  I take him to a quiet room with dim lights around 8:30 pm.  He eats a lot at this feeding - between 6 and 8 ounces.  He is dozing by the end of his feed, but wakes up while I'm burping him.  He is very very happy and pleasant when he wakes up.  Cooing and smiling.  We play quietly in the dark for 20 minutes or so, until he shows signs of sleep.  I swaddle him and hold/rock him for a few minutes until he's almost asleep. Sometimes he is totally asleep.  And then I put him down in his crib to sleep. This is at 9:30 or 9:45, so the whole process takes an hour +.  I don't mind how long it takes, but wish he would consistently sleep 5 or 6 hours after this. 

Last night he slept at 10 and woke up at 12:30.  I gave him the pacifier and he slept for another hour.  When he woke up at 1:30, I brought him into bed with us.  This is what usually happens because I'm so tired! And I think he's at the stage where he is starting to get into the habit of sleeping with us.  He slept for an hour next to me, and then started stirring again.  I fed him a couple of times at night - when the pacifier didn't get him to settle down. 

Finally at 4:30 I fed him for the second time, and this time I decided to put him back in his crib.  This took almost half an hour.  I had to get him fully asleep in my arms before he would settle down.  He woke up at 6:30 or so, and I pulled him into bed with me again.  We slept till 8:30.

Other (possibly) pertinent information: We've made two trips from Boston to Minneapolis in his first 4 months, which seem to have messed up his sleep.  Also, he's turning, and I'm starting to wonder if he's outgrowing the swaddling. 

Sorry for the super long post!  Please help??!

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Re: 4.5 month old wakes up regularly through the night
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 21:40:35 pm »
Hi there...sorry you're feeling a bit sleep deprived at the moment.  Could you post your average daily routine in EAS format for me?  I think your routine may need a tweak.
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