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Please help no sleep
« on: November 10, 2008, 17:50:32 pm »
Hi there
I am new on this site and have seen that there are a lot of people who are really helping other parents and i am hoping you can help me

 My name is Vicky and i have 2 children Lily 34 mths and Ella 17mths, Ella has been a fantastic sleeper up untill about 3 mths ago,  it began when she was waking up and refusing to go back to sleep unless she was downstairs and lying in her baby seat and the response was instant and she would sleep right through, however now she is walking i do not like the thought of leaving her downstairs on her own.
We have had a bedtime routine for both children since they were approx 10 weeks old and it works a treat, Ella has her bath gets ready for bed with her sister and then goes down in her cot awake with ehr blankie and her doddy and she is asleep in a matter of minutes.  She sleeps soundly until about 11.30ish and then she is awake and screaming until about 4 in the morning and when i saw screaming i mean screaming she has such a loud and high pitched scream that the whole house (and prob neighbours) are awake until she decides she is tired, she is constanly pushing us away doesnt want to be cuddeled or put down she doesnt want anything to eat or drink and just cries we have tried leaving her to cry in her cot and checking on her however another problem is due to renovations we have going on in a very old house she is not in her own room yet (although i am hoping it will be finished in the nexty week or 2) but she just screams and screams and tries to climb out, my other daughter Lily is also suffering as she is not getting alot of sleep due to being woken up.  Last night was just awful and her cheeks weres boiling hot so i am now wondering if she is getting her molars through can i anyone suggest anything to help as Bonjela, Calpol and calprofen just are not doing anything.
We are now starting to dread night times and what the night has in store, please help if you can we are getting deserate

Offline imaayafa

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Re: Please help no sleep
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2008, 18:32:22 pm »
oh dear i'm so sorry you and she are going through all that crying and sleeplessness. it is so exhausting and so upsetting.

it does sound like something is bothering her if she is crying and screaming for so very long; it does not sound like leaving her to cry has taught her to fall asleep on her own and i wonder if it has reinforced her separation anxiety?

i also have big problems getting my LO to sleep (my older one sleep trained in one and a half days at age 17 mos using pu/pd, it was a dream, he sleeps thru the night since then, not the 13 mon old, nothing helped) so i don't think i'm the best person to give advice, but i can tell you that my LO also had long night wakings but when i started putting him a in crib and shhing and patting him to sleep that he always falls back asleep (the problem is that this has created a new problem, which is everytime he wakes up he expects that). if he's really tired i can just shhh and not even pat. but if he is really screaming i have to keep putting him on his belly and patting his bum or his back or rubbing his back, until he gets sleepy.

other moms have told me that once they get to the sleepy stage, where they are no longer resisting you, but only half awake, that you can start a program of walk in/walk out.

if she is teething, i have heard that teething tablets help, but i have no personal experience with it.

also have you ruled out any medical problem like reflux?

i'm very tired so am not sure i read your post carefully but i do think that if your LO will develop better sleep patterns when she has her own bed and is routinely put there to sleep at the same time.

i hope other mums have some good advice so that you both can get some rest!

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Re: Please help no sleep
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2008, 19:17:09 pm »
My first thought is of course that she is SO overtired from the lack of sleep.  I would first start with implementing some early bedtimes to counteract the OTness.  Also, is she napping well during the day? 

As for the possible teething (we just went through molars....ugh they are annoying!)....we used teething tablets, orajel, and motrin religiously!  Sometimes we will even wak in th emiddle of the night to give more motrin to ensure no screaming pain.  DS has never been a paci taker, but we also allowed him to chew on his paci in the night if it helped his teeth. 

I'm not sure how well PU/PD will work on your her since she's 17 months old.  It all depends on her personality. DS is spirited and us being in the room only works him up even more.  We did WI/WO when having to re-train.  Are you familiar with WI/WO. 

It really sounds like you're going through the dread molars though....DS has never had issues with any other teeth, but those molars gave us a run for our money!  The good news is that most of the time, things go back to normal!

HTH.....and if you need more info on WI/WO let me know!