This is going to sound very daft and very Baby 101 so do forgive me. But, tell me if my logic is correct on this one -
Will an exact bedtime every night lead to a "set" wakeup time every morning? And, if so, will that *possibly* help me get past the short naps during the day?
We currently tend to adjust bedtime depending on the nap situation as it has played out during the day, which means bedtime can be anywhere from 6:30 - 7:15 on any given night. What we have been trying to do is "enforce" (ha) a "set" wakeup time and hoping that will result in everything sorting itself out. But, it hasn't. Instead, a few days ago I gave in and started getting up at 6am with DS instead of trying to get him to sleep until 7. It hasn't really helped to sort out naps but what I did notice were more consistent "tired times" for naps. Still only getting 30 - 45 minutes at nap time though, but at least he does seem tired at the same time every day.
So I'm wondering if I stick to a set bedtime (asleep by 6pm) that will mean a wakeup of 6am, and then eventually naps may follow?
Or have I lost the plot?!