Author Topic: Misconceptions on feeding - mostly older generations!  (Read 737 times)

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Misconceptions on feeding - mostly older generations!
« on: December 04, 2008, 15:13:18 pm »
Do all of you feel you are constantly having to tell people a zillion things on feeding your baby?  Mainly parents, ILs, grandparents, etc - because older generations have such ridiculous "misconceptions" on feeding?  I'm thinking beyond the typical "feed them solids to get them to sleep through the night" type things.

ILs were over for a visit today.  We told them that the doc has now given us Nutramigen as DS is showing signs of reacting to the soy formula as well.  FIL asks why we need to bother.  He says that if DS is allergic to milk we should just skip the milk altogether, start feeding him real food and give him a bit of water for his fluid.  My DS is 20 weeks old!   I had to calmly explain.  He then said, "Oh, so when he's 6 months you can just stop with feeding him baby milk and give him proper food."   :o

I'm sure that across the generations and different cultures there are others.  What have you encountered, and more importantly, how do you deal with it?


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Re: Misconceptions on feeding - mostly older generations!
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2008, 15:50:36 pm »
I've noticed that it's not just the older generation. People with children in the present still have many of these same ideas. I used to work in a child care in the infant room before having my DD and you wouldn't believe the amount of solids some of these people were pumping into their LO's! Not having a baby of my own at the time I didn't know any better. Looking back now though, all I can say is, "Wow"! It really makes me wonder what some pedis are telling their patients. I'm glad my pedi was up on the current info and encouraged no solids before 6 months! :)


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Re: Misconceptions on feeding - mostly older generations!
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2008, 17:07:17 pm »
it was just on the news the other night a girl watering down her baby's forumla because the budget was tight. 2 scoops of formula for 10 oz of water....she almost killed him...not from lack of nutrition (which he was wasting away), but from water poisoning. This poor mom had NO idea that you're not supposed to water it down (although it does say on the side of the can) and what the extra water would do to him....


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Re: Misconceptions on feeding - mostly older generations!
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2008, 14:20:04 pm »
it was just on the news the other night a girl watering down her baby's forumla because the budget was tight. 2 scoops of formula for 10 oz of water....she almost killed him...not from lack of nutrition (which he was wasting away), but from water poisoning. This poor mom had NO idea that you're not supposed to water it down (although it does say on the side of the can) and what the extra water would do to him....

That is soooo sad! 


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Re: Misconceptions on feeding - mostly older generations!
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2008, 16:29:00 pm »
Watering down formula happens a lot in poorer areas. One of the babies I had in my care was in foster care. His foster mom told me that the bio father was watering down the formula because of the cost, even though the STATE was helping him pay for the formula!!! HMMMM, wonder where the state money was going if it wasn't going towards the formula.  ::)