Author Topic: Cold Turkey BF to Bottle - BREAST HELP  (Read 907 times)

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Cold Turkey BF to Bottle - BREAST HELP
« on: December 09, 2008, 23:02:21 pm »
I had to stop cold turkey from feeding my 3mo DS, who is a big boy. I have a good milk supply and after many trips to pediatrician and allergies, reflux, surgery etc I cant do it anymore at the thought of changing my diet dramatically. I know its kind of selfish but I just cant cope and I need to take care of myself. So that said - He is very easy to the bottle seen as though he is used to having a bottle here and there and again he's a big hungry boy. The problem is my breasts! Im so engorged I cant even hold him. I have tried cabbage in my bra, ice packs, painkiller (ibprofen) and I'm not sure about pumping, I had to pump last night twice because I couldnt sleep, but pumping is not really allowing any relief as i fill back up so quickly. Anyone share there experience with this?? How long will it take and, Im so damn sore - help...

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Re: Cold Turkey BF to Bottle - BREAST HELP
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2008, 19:39:57 pm »
Do not be so hard on yourself.  You are NOT selfish.

Glad to hear that your little one is taking well to the bottle.  That must be a huge relief!!

I'm sorry that I can not help you with the engorgement.  But I will move your post over to the Breastfeeding board and they might be able to shed some light.  The only recommendations that I would have, you have already tried. 

Hope you feel better soon!