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Night from hell - now scared about tonight!
« on: December 11, 2008, 05:28:11 am »
Just after some thoughts, please.  DS2 is a week short of his 2nd birthday.  He's always been a high sleep needs kid, has self-settled and has pretty much been a very routine sleeper, has STTN since about 3 months of age, barring the usual teething and sickness disruptions.  A couple of months ago we went through a stint of SA, coupled with him getting his eye teeth.  He now has all his teeth except for the 2 year molars.

He had a touch of a tummy bug earlier in the week, with vomitting on and off for 24 hours, loss of appetite and a memorable daytime nap (4 hours) and 14 hour overnight sleep the day he got sick.  I was expecting an overnight wake-up as he'd gone to bed without eating any dinner, nor wanting any milk from his sippy.  He did take a bit of water, though.  Roll on a couple of days and everything is back to normal, no vomitting for a couple of days, given the all-clear from the doctor as to tonsils (he's experienced tonsilitis in the past), no ear infections, etc.  He is back to napping normally and eating well.

Well, last night was a doozy.  We put him to bed at normal 7 p.m. bedtime, no dramas.  He woke just before 8, sobbing.  It just went downhill from there :o  It took 2.5 hours to settle him back to sleep, which was REALLY unusual.  In the past if he's woken (rare) he's settled easily with just a pat, cuddle or a little drink of water.  We tried absolutely everything - changed nappy, offered drink, cuddles in the rocking chair, patting in his bed, cuddles in our bed.  He would settle at times but then sit up 10 minutes later moaning and groaning for ages.  It wasn't a continuous cry-fest for the whole 2 hours but he was really restless and at times even angry.  He tried to hit me a couple of times.  He would motion for a cuddle in the rocking chair, but no sooner would I sit in it than he'd start pointing for his cot again.  Very frustrating.  He eventually dropped off but then woke after 2 hours and the same thing was repeated all over again.  Either myself or DH would settle him in his cot, then he'd start up again 10 minutes later.  For two hours it was "Mummy, mummy, mummy".

I worked out he got about 8 hours broken sleep last night, but surprisingly he was quite happy this morning.  He is at DC today, so I haven't heard as to how his nap went.  I did send a note along telling them of our nightmare night and could they put him down for his nap a bit earlier to compensate.

I am really scared about tonight now.  Has anyone else experienced this really unusual behaviour in an otherwise excellent sleeper?  Could this be a version of night terrors?  Teething?  He really does seem well, despite having just got over gastro.  He didn't have a temp at all.  DH is adamant there's nothing wrong with him.  I should have mentioned I did give him Panadol and Nurofen at both those wake-ups, which should have settled him if it were teething ??? ???
ME: 37 (IVF survivor of 4 m/c + 1 ect)
DH: 36 (my hero)
DS1: 20/05/05 (our miracle natural conception)
DS2: 18/12/06 (2nd miracle; 5 weeks prem)

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Re: Night from hell - now scared about tonight!
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2008, 17:44:47 pm »
sounds like it may be a bit of SA or clinginess from being sick.  how did the day and night go?  do you notice any signs of SA at other times during the day?
Melissa - Frugal Living

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Offline nike

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Re: Night from hell - now scared about tonight!
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2008, 03:11:09 am »
I think, in hindsight, it is SA.  I did some reading last night and apparently they go through this when hitting a developmental stage, ie learning to walk/talk.  He wears orthotics and has low muscle tone, but he's fairly close to starting to take his first steps.  He has also been really clingy with me lately, cries when I leave the room, drop him at daycare, etc.  Also, for the first time today, he carried on for 20 minutes after I put him down for his nap, whingeing "Mummy, Mummy" til he dropped off.  He normally just says "bye" and rolls over and goes to sleep. 

I was so anxious about last night but he slept through ;D  DH put him to bed (he settles easier for him) and again he whinged/cried for 20 minutes or so.  So asleep by 7.20 and woke at 7.45 this morning.

Thanks for replying meltown  :)
ME: 37 (IVF survivor of 4 m/c + 1 ect)
DH: 36 (my hero)
DS1: 20/05/05 (our miracle natural conception)
DS2: 18/12/06 (2nd miracle; 5 weeks prem)