I have a little girl, 8 months one week old. She is most definitely a spirited baby. She has just begun to crawl like crazy and has also just sprouted her bottom teeth. From 6 months up until about 2.5 weeks ago, she did 2.75 hours for her first awake time and 3ish for her 2nd awake time. Naps were only 1.25 hours at best but it worked for us, she sleeps through the night (7 - 7) with one feeding around 3:30 a.m. Suddenly she started taking only 30 minutes at her morning nap and maybe 45 at her 2nd. After trying a few days of shorter awake time (I thought maybe since she had begun crawling, she needed less) I realized that was not working. I increased it first to 3 hours for a few days, then to 3.25 and we are now at 3.5 hours first thing and I get about 1 - 1.25 hours out of that nap. BUT, the afternoon nap is non exsistent!! She will go down easily after 3.5 hours but only stay asleep for 30 - 40 minutes!!! So, lately our schedule is this: I just know that this napping situation is going to catch up with her. Today she woke at 6:15 and her first nap began at 9:50. So, her 2nd nap will be earlier than normal and most likely only 30 - 40 minutes. She always goes down without much of a fuss but will wake crying???
7 - wake
10:30 - 11:30 or 11:45 nap
3 - 3:15 ish - 3:45 nap (40 minutes at best!)
7:00 bed (no nightwakings, just the 3:30 or 4 feeding and back to bed until 7)