Ugh...sorry to hear all that!!! I so feel your pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, as you just read, for us it just kind of ended. I was SO scared that she was forever changed, but that little episode lasted just 6 days. For me the wi/wo made amtters worse, but then her crying became more of a mantra-cry, honestly it sounded at times like she was really working to keep at it, this very monotone wail. (in the begiining it was hysteria, but that changed after about 3 days) When it was the mantra cry, I let it go....sat on the steps and died a thousand deaths, thinking I was scarring my kid for life!!!! But if I would go in, she went even crazier, and the crying would become hysteria again.
Have you tried wi/wo?? Just go in, lay her back down give her whatever, her blankie, binkie.....but don't speak, don't engage. The theory behind this is that you are being responsive, so she knows you care, (plus you can check and make sure that nothing is really wrong) but yet she also learns that although you care, it IS still bedtime, and you're not getting her out of there.
When your dh goes in, what does he do? Does he pick her up? And if so, he is then able to put her back down?
I found comfort in what ennypen said, that if it's a kid who's always been a great sleepr, then it's probably just a phase.