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Getting to sleep.
« on: January 01, 2009, 17:17:17 pm »
My Wee Boy is just over 3 weeks old. He sleeps in his moses basket and can drop off by himself most of the time. My problem is that it an take him 30 mins to an hour to do this, he is quiet and not upset at all. I watch for his sleepy cue which is usually a yawn then swaddle, have a quiet cuddle and pop him down. He usually just lies there awake and looking around for a while. Is this ok? He tends to become quite unsettled about 4am and usually needs a cuddle to get him off again. Could this be as he is overtired?? I am also worried about the cluster and dreamfeeds. He has 1st cluster at 6pm and again at 8pm but after bath and night time routine he is only getting a small sleep, if any before I give him 8pm feed. (sometimes this is taken as a d/f and sometimes he wakes up or is still awake). Thanks folks. x

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Re: Getting to sleep.
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2009, 19:33:03 pm »
I'm just going to pop you over to the General Sleep board, since your question is to do with day and night sleep with DF and NWs, as opposed to strictly a naps issue.  You'll get more advice there from moms who are working through the same issues.  :)
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: Getting to sleep.
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 20:26:47 pm »
E - 6.30am (can eat 3-4oz in 10mins!)
A - quick nappy change, kiss and cuddle. Swaddle at 1st sleepy cue
S - put down at 7ish but can take 1 hour to fall asleep by himself

E - 9.30am
A - As above
S - Put down at 10ish bu can take up to 1 hour to fall asleep. He is most unsettled at this time of day adn sometimes doesn't sleep at all until about 11am.

E - 12.30
A - As above
S - Put down at 1ish but can take up to 1hr to fall asleep. Wake him at 3.30

E - 3.30pm
A - We try to encourage activity by putting him in bouncy chair but is usually giving sleepy cues straight away
S - Put down at 4ish but may take an hour to fall asleep. Wake at 6.15pm

E - 6.30pm (1st cluster feed)
A - Bath, nightime routine (massage and storytime). Despite the dimmed lights and quiet voices he is usually most awake at this time of day so unsure whether to encourage the awake time so close to bed time.
S - 7.30ish

E - 8.30pm(2nd cluster feed but takes in his sleep)
S -8.30 - 11pm

E - 11pm. Sometimes he wakes for this and sometimes needs waking.
S - 11.30

E - Anywhere between 2.30 and 4am. i adjust the routine depending on this feed. For example if he wakes at 2.30am the morning feed would be 6/6.30 or if he went thru until 4am the morning feed would be 7/7.30.

I am unsure if he is getting enough or too much sleep. I have only been on the easy routine for a few days but he is doing well. Should I maybe let him give me few yawns before putting him down?  ???  My DH thinks I am overcomplicating and should just be grateful that he's happy to lie there for up to an hour!

Thanks x

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Re: Getting to sleep.
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2009, 20:30:34 pm »
He is also unsettled after the night feed. He generally falls asleep quick but is then awake a 1 or 2 hours later wanting cuddles. I can usually get him back down after a nappy change and a cuddle but the grumbliness goes on 'til the am and the 1st sleep of the day is usually affected. Sorry if i'm rambling, just let me know if you need me to clarify!! (a wee bit sleepy myself!)