Author Topic: Starting EASY at almost 5 months...  (Read 640 times)

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Offline Lou79

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Starting EASY at almost 5 months...
« on: January 28, 2009, 08:00:58 am »
Hi All,

I'm new...  My daughter is 21 weeks old tomorrow and yesterday I started to try and implement EASY so get her into a good routine as she has never had one except for a bedtime routine of bath, feed and bed...

Yesterday was interesting, I followed the routine Tracy put together of EASY with eating every 3.5 hours.  My daughter was very reluctant to sleep at nap times, so much so that we spent most of her S time trying to get her to settle, but she settled for bed very well so I got the evening to myself!  :)

This morning she woke up at 6am, not 7am as I had hoped, and as she is our room it is hard to hear her cooing and chatting to herself, I don't mind this but I feel it is not nice for my DH who has to work during the day.  I took her to her room and put her down in her cot with her lullaby light show on until 06:30, then changed her nappy, and fed her at 06:45...  Did I do the right thing and should I bring the whole cycle forwards an hour due to her waking an hour earlier or leave it as it is and put her down for her nap at 9am as per suggested EASY cycle?

I am very keen to get well into this routine asap so all help appreciated!

I have one more question about the Sleep & Activity times, which are best to go out for a drive (she usually falls asleep in her car seat)?


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Re: Starting EASY at almost 5 months...
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2009, 20:56:06 pm »
Hi and welcome to the BW Website.

If your lo is waking at 6:00 I would start your day at this time so that your lo has a feed, some A time and then is ready to go down for her nap.  You would probably be aiming for about 2 - 2.25 hours A time before putting down for nap.  Once your lo is established on a routine, you may find that she wakes up later for you and you can adjust your EASY routine from there.

I would try to steer clear of getting your lo to fall asleep in the car, as this can very quickly become a prop and a difficult habit to break.  A lot of mums use the prop i.e. car, pram, sling for the cat nap, as this is the nap that a lot of lo's generally refuse, so resort to anything to get their lo's to take their last nap of the day, so that they do not become OT.

Is your lo able to fall asleep independatly?
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