I was looking for other's take on this...
My LO had a short nap this AM...tried to resettle him - no luck. So put to bed for next nap earlier than normal (ie. less A time) and another short nap...grr - must be overtired...so had to feed before putting to bed again at 3pm (less A time than normal again) and since 3pm is normally when he wakes up from his naps, he seems to be wide awake and not at all interested in going down for a nap.
Our normal day has 3pm being his time to wake from nap #2 and eat. So now he ate at 2:30 in order to be put down after his A time -and he's wide awake in his crib playing and talking away for at least 20 minutes now showing no signs of being tired.
So, could I be stuck with him wanting to be awake now till his normal nap #3 time? 5pm? because his body is so programmed to be awake right now?