Author Topic: 9 mo. old independent sleeper suddenly waking up screaming at night  (Read 863 times)

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Offline corimorgan

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Any help or insight into this problem would be much appreciated!!

My 9 month old has been sleeping through the night since she was 12 weeks old and now for the past month she wakes SCREAMING at night, all different times of the night and it is not every single night. She wakes every 3-5 days. When she wakes, she is inconsolable! I pick her up to calm her and when she is quite I try to put her back down and she starts screaming the moment I move.

I have resorted to giving her a bottle which does calm her but she will still cry again after she eats. So now I am sad to say that I end up giving her a bottle and then letting her sleep in bed with me. She never slept with me before so I don't know why this helps. Even in bed with me, she does not fall asleep right away, she tosses and turns and is so unsettled. We both wind up not getting much sleep for the night.

She has been a short napper since 6 weeks old so OT has been a daily part of our lives for a long time now, so I am reluctant to think that OT is the problem all of a sudden. Her naps have actually FINALLY started to get better. I can usually get one good nap in the afternoon, not always, but they are more frequent then they used to be since I would go weeks without a good nap prior to this. At least I always had good night sleep, but now that is no more. 

Here is our normal routine:

6 am wake and bottle
7 am breakfast
9 am nap(usually 40 mins)
10 am bottle
12 pm lunch
1:30 pm nap
3 pm wake and bottle
6 pm bottle and dinner
7 pm bath
7:30 sleep

This was the routine for the past several weeks, but for the past week even our naps and this routine have been a bit crazy because if she doesn't wake in the middle of the night then she has been waking at 5am. But this is normal for her, EW have been going on for the past couple of months. I have learned to deal with it though. But, the NW is not tolerable, I really need help with this going CRAZY!!

Other things of note are she doesn't sleep with a paci, she sleeps with a snoodle lovey that she has had forever and just loves. She falls asleep on her own, I put her in bed and walk out of the room, no assistance from me for sleep for a LONG time.

Thanks again!!!!

Offline corimorgan

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Re: 9 mo. old independent sleeper suddenly waking up screaming at night
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2009, 20:23:33 pm »
The thought has gone through my mind. The ped told me that the 2 teeth on either side of the top teeth appear as though they may be getting close to coming in.

How come the first 4 teeth came in with no problem though?? Is that typical that some hurt more then others? If it is teeth, what can I do?

Offline corimorgan

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Re: 9 mo. old independent sleeper suddenly waking up screaming at night
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2009, 22:07:50 pm »
I'll give it a try... I'll try anything!! Thanks for your help. I'll let you know.