{{{HUGS}}} Maya, don't be silly ur lo is not going to love u any less because u make her take naps! She is only a baby, and now that she's getting to the age when she understands more she want's to stay up and explore her surroundings instead of sleeping.
U shouldn't feel guilty for putting how down for naps, though I did myself, u know that she needs her rest. It does sound to me that her crying is not due to a physical reason (hunger, ot,ut) but rather a psychiological. I wonder if she has her own unplesant associations with naps?
When she looks at u as if u r about to torture her try not to focus on that, but be reassuring to her. Tell her its time for her nap and that u'll see her when she wakes up. Keep focused on keeping the experience positive and plesant for both of u.
When it comes to the end of her nap go into her, be cheerful and happy, smile, say something like hey love! Did u enjoy ur nap? Mommy is so happy to see u! - Make a plesant experience of her waking up, so that she will have something to look forward to after the nap.
These are Tracys suggestions in regards to establishing routines and rituals from her Toddler book. I found them very usefull, and when they are repeated constantly they make events predictable and safe for los, as they know in advance that whats about to happen is goiing to be an enjoyable experience.
Few weeks back when we moved dd into her own room she started crying before hernaps as she was going into a different room being changed in there (instead of downstairs like before) but creating those little rituals has really helped her overcome her fears and she's back to being a happy baby.
Heres a link to a post with info on W2S,
keep in mind that w2s has to be slightly adjusted to each lo, and it could take u a few days to figure out how it would work best for ur lo (what time to go in at, how to disterb etc).