Until recently, my 20 mo DS was an excellent sleeper, sleeping until 7:30 or sometimes 8:00 (bedtime is 7:00 pm). For the past few weeks, he's started waking earlier and earlier (7:00, then 6:45 and now 6:30). I was up early the other morning and could hear him starting to stir at around 5:00 a.m. and slowly waking up). I realize this isn't a huge EW, but I'm worried about the trend that's beginning - and he's also waking up his 5 yo sister, which causes lots of unhappiness for everyone
He is not waking up happy, he often needs an a.m nap, and he's starting to go down for naps earlier.....so this is going in a direction I'd like to avoid...
BTW he is down to one long per day - a minimum of 2 hours, sometimes as long as 3. The sun has be rising earlier, so we put blackout curtains in both kids rooms to no avail - in fact, ds started waking earlier
after we put the curtains up!
Should his naps be shortened? Is he getting too much sleep at the wrong time? Just for clarity, here's his 'current' routine:
6:30 a.m. - awake
9:30 a.m. - short nap (sometimes, if he's clearly melting down from fatigue and just weekends as he's at the sitters during the week)
12:45 p.m. - 3:00 or 3:30 - nap (he'll sometimes go longer during the weekends - up to 3 hours)
7:00 p.m. - bed-time (sometimes a bit earlier if he's really tired...which is happening more frequently)
Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions you might have.