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SMA staydown
« on: March 02, 2009, 16:07:07 pm »
 Any mums out there tried their LO's on this??? Any feedback appreciated.... ;D

Emma xxx

Offline * Paula *

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Re: SMA staydown
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2009, 20:27:36 pm »
Hey Emma,

Are you thinking of trying this for your lo's reflux?

I have not personally used it, but did do a searh on the internet for you  ;D

I have found that some mums say that it is very difficult to make up as the powder does not mix properly, and needs to be mixed with cold water.  We did this with the Enfamil too so it was not a problem.

It also says that you cannot heat it up as it activates the thickening ingredient.  So basically you have to take the bottle out of the fridge about an hour before the feed is due to allow it to come to room temperature before feeding it to your lo.

Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: SMA staydown
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2009, 20:48:02 pm »
 As always Paula you are my reflux fairy godmother!!  :-*  Have been googling all day myself and am just worried about the constipation side of things again. The doc said he is not keen to give lactulose as it can make the bowels lazy so he was keen for me to try another formula instead of the enfamil AR. I am waiting until the weekend to try as ds is very ot and want to get him caught up on sleep whilst the reflux symptoms have finally calmed.

 Canwi from over on the reflux board just gave me an interesting medical thoery about reflux and constipation and how the slowing of the stomach contents and slow bowels are related so refluxers can be more prone to constipation...very interseting I thought as its something ds has always been prone to.

 The gp was very good in fact and said if I was still worried and the new formula didn't do the trick he would happily refer as he was open about not being an expert on reflux. I just worry because of the fact that it comes and goes and when it goes he's perfect.....what are the chances of the pead being able to see the severity of the symptoms if they are not actually present when they are occuring?!!!Mind you he does now have a constant cough and the doctor did comment on that.

 Anyways the saga continues but i am more hopeful of an end to it now and after the last few days of a real bad flare up things have finally settled again. He is also gaining weight really well which I am stoked about so thats always something.

 Thanks Paula.... :-* :-* :-*

Emma xxx

Offline * Paula *

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Re: SMA staydown
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2009, 20:57:49 pm »
I have read that too about Reflux and constipation.

I am not sure why your doctor is not wanting to prescribe the Lactulose.  It is the first thing our doctors / pharmacists suggest when my kids are constipated.  THe hospital even prescribed it for DS when he was in hospital and he was on it for 6 months straight with no problems at all.

It might be worth trying the formula with the lactulose and see how your lo does.

I know what you mean that when they are not suffering they are great, but when they do suffer it is so hard.

Is the cough a dry cough?  That is also a symptom of Reflux.

Huge hugs hun, let us know what you decide to do  :-*
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

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Re: SMA staydown
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2009, 21:20:14 pm »
 I think I have asked you this before but can I just go and buy it in boots? Do I have to ask the pharmacist for it? When I was picking up the formula today i mentioned lactulose to the pharmacist and she said she would rather I asked the doctor first...can I not just ask for it without them asking questions?!!! I might give prune juice a go...the thing is I know this will constipate him but I feel dietary is the way to go just now.

 The cough is dry and hacking, he also gets wheezy but more of a gargly wheeze if that makes sense. The thing is i can see a pattern emerging with it. At first he salivates alot for a couple of days, then he gets gargly, then he gets more fussy than usual with feeds and then before you know it theres just vomit and screaming for 2/3 days straight. This time was the worst bout yet, he was awake every 1-2 hours throughout the night screaming...all I could do was bring him to bed with me and hug him while he cried, it was just awful  :'(. He refused feeds for over 12 hours and then the next thing I know (after resorting to a dose of calpol thinking it might help) he is fine. It was like it never happened, the only trace left was a pile of dirty laundry and his wee coarse 'voice.' ( and one OT wee baby!!)

 Of course now that its over i'm thinking 'was it really that bad?' if that makes sense but at the time i panic and just don't know what the hell to do!!

 Anyways sorry about that, just had to get it out!

I guess there's no doubt i'll have a puzzle for you to solve for me this weekend when we try the formula...I hope you don't mind!!!!

Emma xxx

Offline * Paula *

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Re: SMA staydown
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2009, 21:43:01 pm »
You do have to ask at the counter for the lactulose, but you don't need it on prescription, so if you request it they should just give it to you.

I know what you mean, we went through phases like that with our DD, when she did start drinking some of the formula, it made me second guess myself about how bad it was.

Yes, I know how hard the crying is.  It is so difficult seeing them in such agony.  And seeing them constipated is just as bad, it is so hard.

Let us know how you get on, and of course I don't mind, I will answer what I can  :-*
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007