Hi there!! Are you BF or bottle feeding?
If you are bottle feeding, you can try giving him more oz in every bottle and drop the 8 p.m bottle, and then have an earlier bedtime. We need to have him take these calories, because it seems that this is helping him STTN.
You can either do it cold turkey and put your lo to sleep at 7 p.m. after his 6 p.m. feed, or you can start moving it earlier by 15 min each day. But I think that having an early bedtime is a good idea, because your lo is getting OT at bedtime because he has no catnap before.
It all depends on your lo's temperament. Personally, I would do it cold turkey, because that's the way I am... I just like to do things quickly, but your lo may not like it, so you'll have to try.
You can also bathe him and give him his bottle right after the bath and have him in bed by 7 p.m.
I used to have my lo in bed by 7 p.m. His feeds were 730 a.m., 1030 a.m, 130 p.m., 430 p.m, and 630 p.m. I think you can try moving the 6 p.m. feed 30 min later so your lo is hungrier and see if he takes more at that feed and you can drop the 8 p.m feed. And then, do the DF around 9:30-10 p.m. But I DO think you need to move it forward. Try to have bedtime after 12.5 hrs from wake up time. Am I making any sense?
Let me know what you decide. If it doesn't work, we can always try new options.