My 16 week old baby girl was sleeping pretty well, going down easily on her own at night, waking up every 4-5 hours to feed. She recently started teething and since then has been waking up every hour ALL NIGHT, sometimes even after 30 or 40 minutes. The only thing that seems to soothe her is the breast. She refuses the paci (though she used to love it and still uses it during the day when she wants to suckle but isn't hungry) and gets extremely insulted whe I offer it to her during the night, which turns into a pretty intense tentrum (to the point where she vomits) until I give her the breast. So now she is totally associating breast-sleep, which isn't helping me at all during the day. On top of that, she won't settle in her crib anymore, which was never a problem before, and will go back to sleep only if I am right next to her holding her.
So after 4 sleepless nights, I reached my limit and took her into my bed. I am breastfeeding her every hour all night, it is ridiculous. I don't know what to do. I want to be there for her and allow her to be more "dependant" during this vulnerable time if that is what she needs, though at the same time I don't want this to last forever! I've tried sh/pat, pacifier, even walking with her when I was desperate, but the crying really only stops the minute I give her the breast. I'm giving her homeopathy and have some stronger meds at hand if needed... though she doesn't seem to be in excruciating pain (since she stops crying if she gets the breast), just very uncomfortable and very very needy.
Anybody has had a similar experience? Any suggestions?? I'm quite desperate.
Thank you for your help!