Hi everyone,
This is my first message in this forum. My daughter is 4 months old (just completed) and she has a routine that differs from what I've been reading about her age.
She goes to sleep around 9-10 PM... before her bath (around 7:30-8:30 PM) we feed her with 150ml of formula (no dream feeding, she is awake at this stage). The thing is, even been fed, she wakes up at 3:00 AM (always 5 hours after her last meal).
I was wondering how can we manage to make her sleep thought the night.
How does the dream feeding works? And what if she wakes up @ 3:00? What should we do? I have the feeling that she does not "need" to eat at this time, but she is "used" to do so.
She is really into the E.A.S.Y thing during her day but I think we are slipping at night. How do you guys "fix" this

Anyone has already had a similar case?
Thanks in advance
Rodrigo, Aline's father