DD is so confusing. She does often wake early in the morning. Unfortunately, she makes a mix of happy AND sad sounds. I'd say *mostly* sad, though. Sometimes it's poop. Sometimes it seems like, "I'm awake but wish I weren't." Sometimes she'll fall back asleep after 30-ish minutes, sometimes faster, sometimes longer, and sometimes not at all. I know, I know. I'm impossible to help.
Gosh, if she needed more A time... I just feel like she wouldn't act so darn tired/fussy/cranky all the time? That she'd act happier to be awake and playing? I'm so lost as to how to figure out good A times for her. I guess she's not "on" the routine if her internal clock still varies so much? (She's waking too early, she's tired too long before nap time, etc...) So maybe I should still be following Tracy's plan to the letter? Holding DD to clock times as much as possible to see if her little body will fall in line? Goodness, at DD's age, being up for 2-2.5 hours shouldn't be all that rough... Is staying awake a learned skill, or just something the baby has to grow into? I know it sounds strange, but I feel like DD almost has to be taught to stay awake for longer than, like, a 2 month old would. Yesterday DD's two long naps were each about 1.5 hours and she was STILL miserable. Still acted tired, rubbed her little eyes... And is back-arching a sign of tiredness? That's one she gives a good deal.
Last night was a bad one for her. She had a hard time falling asleep at bedtime (that hasn't happened for so long -- usually she just goes straight to sleep -- and she appeared to be *very* tired) and then woke with a leaky diaper a couple hours later. (We use Huggies Overnites and they've never, ever leaked before. Ugh. She was hysterical.) So that was probably a good 1.5 hours+ taken from her night sleep. And it's now 6:10 in the morning and I hear her stirring. A couple of babbles followed by a very grouchy sound. And now she's been quiet for the past 10 minutes, so I have no idea what's going on in there.
I've definitely been trying to give her some space during playtime. Sometimes that just seems to make her cry, though... and then she'll stop crying when I come back. (And then start again.)
I am just feel totally defeated. I have no idea what to do for her anymore. I have the world's most confusing baby.