Ok..here's the routine - currently: Note that it varies some days so this is just a general overview.
7:00am - Wake up & Breakfast
10 am - Bottle feed (200mls) & nap for 1,5 hours.
11:30 - Wake up & some activity before lunch
12 noon - Lunchtime
12:30 - about 3/3:30 - Activity - We go for a walk, play outside, play inside with his toys & puppy
3:30pm - Bottle feed & nap for about 1 hour
4:30pm - wake up & dinner
6:30pm to 7 - Bath time & wind down routine - play in his room, nothing exciting.
7:30pm - 8:00pm - Small snack (either 100ml formula or baby cereal) and then Bedtime
He wakes up between 12 and 2 - then i give him a bottle feed again - no picking up. I did try to increase his food amounts during the day - but he doesn't want to eat more.
He also wakes at around 5 - but i suspect this is a habit. I just pat him back to sleep - no picking up anymore - hopefully that will stop soon.
So that's it - i used to have a very 'loose' routine whereby i fed on demand and put him to sleep when he was tired. It didn't work so well anymore as he never wanted to go to sleep if i didn't make him - he's a spirited/busy type of baby/toddler.
His birthday is 16 May so he is about 11 months now. He weighed about 9 pounds at birth and was very tall.
It took a about a week to introduce the new stricter routine and he balked and screamed and resisted at first. So we made it through to where we are now.
I would appreciate any feedback, comments or even crit as i only want what is best for him first of all and that will be best for the rest of the family as well.
He's got an older sister - she's 17 now and they absolutely adore each other. My second baby will be born at the end of August - so as you can imagine i have to have a better routine in place in order to keep everyone happy when that time comes.
Thanks for reading and your time.