Hello everyone
Would appreciate your support please
My very determined fiestly smilley little girl is 14 months and has never sttn ever ~ we did co sleep but have stopped that and just have her in the cot in our room ~ we tried to move her into her own room and the very first night we tried she got ill and a molar popped so that never worked from the first minute
So now we have her cot in our room ~ she has a fairly good day in terms of naps but these can be very varied from having 30mins total day time naps to 3 hours total naps at sil
We are consistant with her night time routine in that she has a bath at about 7 then bottle and bed at 7.30pm every night ~ she eventually falls asleep at about 8pm
She wakes up on average 5 times and it is always just for a cuddle for up to 5 mins then she goes back down no problem, she does not have a lovey as she is not bothered and neither does she have a dummy.
So would anyone have any ideas of how l can reduce the nw's
Many thanks for your support.