Hi Mumtonb&ab,
welcome aboard!!!

We're none of us experts here - just fellow head scratchers having had good sleepers just suddenly change without any real warning!!! I'm coming to the conclusion that it's totally an age thing. Rory was exactly the same - we started having NWs just after his birthday and then v. short grumpy-ended naps or refusals. I came on here wondering what on earth to do as I had been spoilt with a good sleeper up until then. I got advice regarding bringing the nap forward/making bedtime later etc but actually, a few months later, things have settled and we're pretty much doing the same routine we were doing before.
There is some advice that says that the amount of total sleep needed reduces around this age so you may need to shorten the night sleep and/or nap to tweak things back into place...
Personally, we moved Rory into a BBB as we thought his cot was restricting him enough in the night to wake him and apart from that I kept offering the nap, doing WI/WO if he wouldn't settle at the beginning but not worrying about trying to extend if he woke grumpy and needed me. It took around 5 weeks!!!!!!! In retrospect I may have been too quick to "rescue" him on waking as despite napping better now, sometimes he stirs a bit but then puts himself back to sleep....
Anyway, maybe some of the others here will have some more specific advice for you. If not, post your own strand on the board to probe those wiser minds and come back here for a moan or to let us know how things are going. Don't worry if you're feeling at the end of your tether - we've all been there and for you it must be twice as bad!!!!!!! Good luck xx

PS Our routine is very like yours except we're on a later nap and bedtime - more like nap at 1.30 - 3ish-3.30 then bedtime leaving him at 8pm.... HTH