Hi All!
I just wanted to pop in for a quick update. My son now has 3 of his 4 molars, and the last one seems to be in no hurry to come in. He doesn't seem to be bothered by teething anymore. However, the past week and a 1/2 he's had a pretty bad cold/fever. He's just gotten over that within the last 2 days....
I woke up this morning and decided enough is enough. I was done waiting for DH to move his crib into the other room, so I did it myself before going off to work! He is in there right now, and has already stirred and woke 2x since being put to bed at 7:30. It's almost 11pm now. I am going to get up and give him the bottles this last night ( I jsut figured moving out of our room where he's been since birth and stopping the bottles would be a bit much for one night). Tomorrow I plan to begin the watering down process, as I know I can't do it cold turkey.
I usually give him a bottle before going to bed as we are reading stories, then I put him down with the bottle. When he wakes the first time, he finds the bottle and continues sucking away... Should I water that one down as well? Or just the ones when he wakes up later on at night? I'm a little confued about the process. Also, I usually give him an 8oz bottle, should I just put 2 scoops of formula in that, so it's watered down by 1/2?
Thank you all for your help and patience!