Hit a little bump for the weekend, I think it's teeth cuz I see one coming!! She went to bed about 7:30 Fri. night (I think, I was at work
) and I got home about midnight and took a shower and when I peeked at the monitor before going to sleep she was laying there eyes wide open
) I think the last I heard her was about 1:30, just playing and giggling. She woke at about 6:30 and I put her down for a nap at 12:15 and she only slept 1 1/2 hrs - her shortest one this week! Then we went out to dinner and didn't get her to bed until 7:30 and from about 8:30-10:30 she was very restless, not really crying, just making lots of whining noises. I gave her some motrin and she settled and not another peep until 6:15. Put her down for her nap at 12:15, so we'll see!!! We've got a cookout to go to this afternoon so lots of excitement and then we'll see how tonight goes!