Author Topic: Nursery Nap times  (Read 1763 times)

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Offline lilisuze

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Nursery Nap times
« on: June 18, 2009, 08:22:35 am »
Hi my lo is starting nursery next week, i have to go back to work :-\

He is only going to nursery part time, 2 full days and one afternoon from 1pm

They run a different schedule to what he is used to. Allowing sleep times for babies at 9am and after lunch (im guessing one short nap then a long one while they have their break. Does anyone have any advice as to how i go from EASY with naps at 10.15-11.30 and 2.30-3.50 to the nursery schedule? His naps are getting shorter now, so i think we may have to start going to one shorter nap soon anyway.

Should i switch to their nap times on the days i am off or keep to EASY?

Sorry if this is in the wrong place - its not really a sleep issue but doesnt really fit anywhere else

Lili xx
Little dude (2008) spirited monkey boy
Little pink (2011) textbook princess

Offline mokey_cat

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Re: Nursery Nap times
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2009, 19:54:02 pm »
Hi.  My LO is also due to start nursery in a few weeks - 2 full days and 1 morning.  The nursery she is going to though have asked me to explain her normal routine and will put her for a nap when she would usually nap or when she is looking tired.  If they put her for a nap as early as 9am, there is no way she would be tired enough to sleep!!  Have you asked them to put him for his naps at the usual times?  So you could just say - he sleeps at 10.15 & 2.30 - and hopefully they will accommodate that  :-\.

Personally I would stick to your EASY that works for him when he is at home and if everything goes wrong on the 2 and a half days, at least you can have the rest of the week as normal  ;D.  So even if he gets a wee bit OT on these days, you can make up for it at home.  I am dreading DD starting as she is not used to sleeping anywhere else and she has 2 lovely 1.5 hour naps each day at the same time but I cant see her sleeping so well with the bright, noisy environment. 

Good luck with it.  I would defo try and discuss it with them to see if they can fit his normal sleep time into their routine.


Offline lilisuze

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Re: Nursery Nap times
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2009, 09:07:43 am »
I have spoken to the nursery and they say they will fit in with whatever routine i want to do, but that most of the babies only have 1 nap after lunch (1 nap - he's only 8 months!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!)

I have told them our routine, but part of me thinks it would be better for him if he could fit in with the other babies. He will take a catnap at 9am so that plan would work if he will take a decent nap at lunchtime. I have tried it the last couple of days and got a 1hr 40 min lunchtime nap which is good.

The cots are in the baby area so they only switch down the lights and toys over the lunch perios, what will they do with him while all the other babies are sleeping if he doesnt slot into the routine????
Little dude (2008) spirited monkey boy
Little pink (2011) textbook princess

Offline mokey_cat

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Re: Nursery Nap times
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2009, 20:13:42 pm »
That is a hard one.  I guess I would be inclined to try to fit in with their routine then.  If you have tried it and he sleeps at 9am then has a decent enough lunchtime nap then I would go with that.  As long as he does not start waking at night due to OT!!  Is the lunchtime nap enough to see him until bedtime?  I suppose the routine is quite good when going towards 1 nap and he will begin to refuse the morning nap when he no longer needs it and hopefully will take a nice long afternoon nap!!

Everyone keeps telling me it will take about 2 weeks for LO's to settle into a routine at nursery and I hope its true.  To be honest I am dreading the nights when she starts nursery as we get NW's when DD is OT.


Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Nursery Nap times
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2009, 22:11:23 pm »
you could always squeeze in a powernap in the afternoons if he wont make it to bedtime on nursery days or if he doesnt nap well there. i'd be inclined to stick to usual routine on days at home too, just as at 8mths i dont think he can handle the super long A time til bedtime for more than a couple of days in a row. you could also do early bedtime on nursery days, many LOs make up lost nap time overnight (some, like my LO dont tho, he just slept for 11hrs regardless of bedtime). just beware that too many early bedtimes in a row can reset their body clocks.

good luck :-*

Offline lilisuze

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Re: Nursery Nap times
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2009, 06:33:40 am »
LOL! i dont want a resetting of the body clock!! We have worked so hard on naps, its a pain to start swapping it round now. but i have tired it for the last couple of days and he seems to manage ok at home, so as long as he will nap at nursery (who knows?!) hopefully we will get on ok.

How old are babies when they make the swap to 1 nap - my lo is small for his age but seems to be hitting milestones early (crawling and pulling up now, 4 teeth etc)?

Lili xx

(ooh and hunters mummy - congrats on the new ticker ;)

Little dude (2008) spirited monkey boy
Little pink (2011) textbook princess

Offline mokey_cat

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Re: Nursery Nap times
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2009, 20:07:05 pm »
Awwww congrats huntersmummy!!

Im sure the transition to 1 nap usually occurs between 12-18 months but some babies may be earlier.  It depends on how long A time your LO can manage and how well he copes if he gets OT.


Offline huntersmummyinoz

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Re: Nursery Nap times
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2009, 21:16:22 pm »
yes many LOs start the transition from 2 to 1 nap around 9 to 12 mths, basically they are still on two naps but one is a short nap/catnap. and somewhere between 12 and 18mths, they will be on one solid nap, depending on A times and temperment. and yes some much earlier, my LO started refusing his second nap at 11mths so was a little shaky that month and was on one nap at 12mths. my advice, hang onto 2 naps for as loooooooong as possible. LOs need to handle 5 to 5.5hrs A time to handle one nap.

and thanks for the congrats, we are soooooo excited :-*