Author Topic: Daytime sleep questions with regards to EASY  (Read 2839 times)

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Re: Daytime sleep questions with regards to EASY
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2009, 00:13:59 am »
Yes, some of the signs of OT are very similar to UT.  I usually have to use hindsight to see if the short nap was OT or UT.  I look to see if H woke happy, what was his mood for the A time after the short nap.  Happy and easily handling his A time usually is UT before the short nap, tired easily and grumpy was OT.  If you look through this link you'll find some signs of OT and a lot of times when our lo is UT napping we put them down when they are bored or just need a change of scenery so you can look under that part for some signs of UT.

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Re: Daytime sleep questions with regards to EASY
« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2009, 13:48:50 pm »
Ugh - checked the monitor this morning at 6:15 am and no movement.  Then I fell back asleep and woke at 7:15 and checked monitor to find her moving around so she woke somewhere between 6:15 and 7:15 am.  I got her up and kept her up until 8:15 which is the new A time.  I normally would have put her down at 8:00.  She fussed going down and I had to go in there a few times and calm her down.  I *THINK* she then slept for about 1/2 hour.  I checked on her at 9:00 ish and she was awake but not making noise.  She is still awake at 9:45 and hasn't made a peep!  Not sure what I am missing here but this USED to be her best nap of the day and now she just lays there BRIGHT EYED and tired but won't fall asleep.  More A time, less A time - ugh - so confusing!!

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Re: Daytime sleep questions with regards to EASY
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2009, 02:55:01 am »
I have constantly had problems with my dd's (12 weeks) first nap of the day...It seems that her A time is constantly needing to change.  It has ended up that her first nap is her shortest (strange I know) but no matter how much I change the times, she always sleeps about 45 minutes and wakes happy so I have finally come to the conclusion that is all she needs!  DD1 was definatley not this way but oh well!