My 23 month old has always been a good sleeper. Great naps, 11-12 hours at night. wakes up happy, playing in crib. after we eliminated a few props, would go to sleep on own, with a kiss and a bye-bye, and i would leave. life was good. and i stress the word WAS.
now for the past 3 weeks, we have multiple issues going on. 1st, she wont let us leave the room when putting her down, screaming ensues. i'm not a cio person, but have let her cry for a few minutes while "mommy has to go to the bathroom", mommy has to go feed the cat", which resulted in her completely losing her voice. she calms when i come back in but if i try to leave again, she gets very upset.
2nd, night wakings. she is up for hours, not playing, but just tossing and turning. i feel as though she is teething so i do give her some tylenol.
3rd, short naps, waking up screaming, which is usually a sign that she hasnt slept enough.
Last night, she was sleeping by 7:30. she slept through but woke up at 5:30AM.
So I feel there are multiple issues going on here. Teething is not helping anything, some SA. I've been trying to ride out the stying in the room, by reassuring her that im not going anywhere. Is wi/wo something i should try at this point? people have said to eliminate the nap, but i dont think that is the answer as i feel she is overtired, as opposed to sleeping too much. should i shoot for a later bedtime, with 10 hours per night being the goal? that never seemed like enough sleep for her, but who knows, she could be changing. really not sure where to go from here, becasue i feel like this could go on for months.
thanks for any ideas.