Author Topic: Taking almost no milk feeds  (Read 878 times)

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Offline NadeneR

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Taking almost no milk feeds
« on: June 30, 2009, 19:54:12 pm »
DD is almost 7.5 mo and has been on solids for about 6 weeks now (from 6 mo).  As per the paediatrician's advice, she started on 2 meals a day (breakfast and dinner).  About a month into solids, I intoduced lunch as well.

Since solids intro, her milk intake decreased, so I cut down on the portions of her solids, but this made very little difference.  On Saturday, she developed a fever which lasted for 3 days, pretty low grade (around 36.6 - 37.2°C - normal is around 35.6 - 36°C).  She also had more sloppy/runny bowel movements than usual (sorry for the overshare) and has also developed oral thrush. I'm guessing it has to do with teething.  Spoke to her ped yesterday and he reckons the same thing (no signs of the teeth yet though).

My problem is this - since yesterday, she is taking in very little milk.  Her morning feed is ok(ish), but the rest of the day is not great.  She's bf, and she only drinks for around 2 - 3 minutes (if I'm lucky).  She gets a 200ml bottle of formula after her bath, just before bedtime, but for the past 2 nights she's refused it completely.  Not as much as a sip.

Is it normal for bubs to take smaller milk feeds after solids into?  If so, how much less is acceptable?

Also, do they go on a "milk strike" when sick / teething?  (She cut her 2 bottom teeth with such ease, if I hadn't seen the bumps on her gums, I wouldn't even had known that she'd cut 2 teeth, 4 days apart).  DS also teethed very easily, so this is all new to me.

I'm worried about my milk supply.  I had some issues a few months back with my supply and was advised by a La Leche League consultant to feed every 2 hours, even if just to stimulate let down.  So I do a feed when she wakes up, as well as a top up feed just before WD prior to each nap.

Will this possibly cause a decrease in my milk supply?  Should I start expressing?  How do I get her to take proper feeds again?  She's also VERY easily distracted during feeds, so I feed her in her room, normally with the blinds and curtains still drawn, so it's dark and quiet.

Any ideas / similar experiences will help.  I'm feeling so discouraged ... feels like all I did the whole day was try to get my boob into her mouth ... makes you feel a bit stupid eventually.


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Offline Erin (redstarfalling)

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Re: Taking almost no milk feeds
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2009, 23:11:02 pm »
First - was her thrush treated and were you treated too? Thrush can be incredibly painful and many babies don't want to nurse with it.  If she's not nursing well, then you definitely should pump to maintain supply.

They can definitely go on a nursing strike when teething too (which can also cause diarrhea and fever!).  Have you tried pain meds too?

I can totally relate with the feeling that some days all I did was try to get a full feed it.  It will get better!
Mother to Megan and Samantha

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Re: Taking almost no milk feeds
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2009, 03:36:19 am »
Agree with Erin.  How's things today?
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d