Don't remember exactly when my DS began eating something other than baby food, but I know it was way later than I wanted. I would be so jealous when I would see other babies of similar age eating chunks of lasagne, etc., while I was still spooning pureed bananas. Although cheerios and veggiepuffs were always a big hit, probably because he didn't have to chew them.
At the same time, we had late language development (still had NO words by 15 months) and so we were suggested to see early intervention and he qualified. Turns out he had low muscle tone in his mouth (made sense why he never learned to BF properly - we like to say he was a lazy little sucker!). With the help of the developmental specialist (who came out to the house for free once a week, so nice!) and a little bit of the speech therapist, we now have a healthy 4 year old who won't stop talking, and eats OK. He takes forever to eat, especially things that take a long time to chew, like chicken or pork, and really could take or leave food, but eats ok. I would call him a picky eater, and a slow eater, but I consider him to be still a pretty normal eater now.
How is your LO's language development? Also, when we met with the speech therapist (who helped us with the eating thing, not the speech thing), we found out about some babies having texture issues and such, and that there are things you can do, if you find the right kind of help. Ours wasn't a texture issue, but a tone issue, and got help for that. C
Could be just that your LO is just taking longer than some to come around to different textures, but might be worth asking your pediatrician if there is anyone who can look at him to see if there is something more going on. It all ends well, though, so while it can be frustrating and a bit scary to think there is something wrong with your LO, it will be okay, whatever it is. And actually, when our LO didn't qualify for services anymore at 3 yrs old, we were sad to lose that relationship with our developmental specialist. We learned a lot of other parenting skills from her that we otherwise wouldn't have known.
Good luck and keep us posted!