I was just wondering if anyone can shed any light onto 1 hour naps.
I have another post going at the moment in relation to my DS who was 2 back in May, which Becky is helping me with heaps, but just wanted to ask whether anyone elses LO's are only napping during the day for 1 hour and if this was a result of OT or UT ?
I've read on the forums that a 1h 20 min nap usually indicates OT but can't seem to find much on a 1 hour nap. My DS seems to stir at the 30 minute mark, put himself back to sleep but then only sleeps another 30 mins. He does sometimes stir at 45 mins but then again only sleeps another 15 mins.
Also when a toddler wakes from their nap and they are happy to play does this usually mean that they have had enough sleep ? Do Toddlers still wake crying if OT ?
Sorry for the questions just trying to get my head around DS sleeps !