Stan's lower eye teeth/canines are coming through and are giving him much more trouble than any other teeth. He has been waking in the night with them. When he wakes, I top him up with pain meds if it's time, then try to start WIWO. But he just gets, and stays, frantic. When I lay him down he desperately grabs at my hands/arms to try and hold on to me to make me stay with him. He sobs 'hand! hand!' for me to hold his hand. If I try GW, he will not let me let go of his hand, and if I stay right there with a hand on him, once he calms down he then tries to engage me in conversation/play.
For 3 nights, his Dad has managed to get him back to sleep in 10 mins, where I have taken 45 mins and failed. His Dad goes in, picks him up and gives him a cuddle, reassures him (Stan's going to sleep, mummy and daddy are going to sleep, we'll all see each other in the morning), turns on his lullabies and lays him down in his cot. It's a complete no-no for me to try to do the same thing, as soon as I stand up to put Stan in his cot, he starts shouting 'Chair! chair!' for me to sit back down and screaming when I lay him down.
What do you think? The points of the teeth are through so maybe won't be too much longer that they're messing up our nights. Should I stick with WIWO? Get DH to deal with the NWs (even though he's picking up)?