My 28 mth old was doing really well the last few weeks, she would fall asleep at naptime within 5 min and bedtime within 15, no whining or crying and a very solid routine for both. 5 days ago she started refusing to go to sleep, she stands there and whines or cries, at naptime she poops after about 20 min (even though she pooped right before the nap) so I go and change her and then I still have to go in a 2nd time after that and then she goes to sleep but the process takes about 1 hr. At bedtime, me keeps my dh in the room forever, and then does the same thing as naptime, minus the poop. We have to go in at least 2-3 times and it takes an hour or more. She is so exhausted when I go in, I hug her and she falls asleep on my shoulder. Its like she just can't lay down or has forgotten how to lay down or something. She is not playing, not sociable and seems like she wants to go to sleep but can't. I have tried pain medication but it hasn't helped at all. We have never had issues with her not falling asleep before and she has always gone very quickly. I just can't figure out what is wrong. Our schedule is/was:
wake 7:30
nap at 1ish (usually 75 min, sometimes a bit longer)
bed at 8
She can't handle much more A time in the morning, as she will then take a short OT nap. Since this has been happening, she finally falls asleep around 6.5 hrs A time, cries at 20 min (so clearly OT) and then does manage to go back to sleep. I am 7 mths pregnant and this is driving me nuts!
Any ideas??