Sounds like naps are the main time he's throwing tantrums? Sometimes bed, but usually naps?
The first thing I see is you've got 6 hours of awake time before nap, but only about 4.5 before bedtime. Now, my son is the type who can do lots more A before nap and less before bed; even now at nearly 4 he does best if he only has 4 hours of A time before bed. So it's not necessarily a problem. But if little guy is throwing a fit you can try a noon nap time and see how that works.
Also, as toddlers get older they often need a longer wind down and more of a warning to shift from play to sleep. With my son at that age we instituted the 'timer rule'. We warned him "5 minutes until nap time! Mommy will set the timer, and when time goes off it's time for jumps!" (my son gets to jump off the couch 5 times before sleep periods to get his wiggles out!). After that he knows it's time to go upstairs where we do our regular wind down of potty, book reading, night-nights to the room, and songs. So you might want to start giving your son a head's up about when nap time is going to happen. You might also try extending wind down with an extra story or two. If you want, we can go over your current wind down and see if anything can be changed!
Try that earlier nap time and longer wind down and let me know how it goes!
Oh, and an 11 hour night is just fine at this age! Esp. with a nice 2 hour nap.