Hi Natasha! Gosh, the girls are so big and beautiful! Sophie has been able to fall asleep by herself since birth, but has never really slept through the night. For naps, I rock her a bit, but she falls turns on over her tummy as soon as she lays down. So yes, Is think she is awake. At night, I do the same thing. If she is overtired then I rock her until she is alseep, but that is rare anymore. Other times, she wants a little more rocking, but doesnt fall totally asleep. So long story short, I guess it varies. Lastly, in the middle of the night, she is fed and is laid down immediately.
I dont really know how much she is eating as half of her food ends up on the floor
I try to spoon feed, but she doesnt really like it and tells me she is done. It seems like I am feeding her food all of the time... meals and snacks. She has between 3-4 tippy cups of milk a day. At night, she has waaaay too much milk. I try not to feed her, but she appears really hunger and wont go to sleep without it. So, 1-3 tippys a night.
She does have a blankie. I was wondering if I were the prop, but I can give her a cup in her bed without picking her up and she will go back to sleep. Maybe she is needing to have a full tummy to go back to sleep. She doesnt wake up at the same time, just the same amount of hours. ie. 3-4 hrs.