Author Topic: tummy sleeper, spitting up just at night  (Read 921 times)

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tummy sleeper, spitting up just at night
« on: September 17, 2009, 01:26:51 am »
I have a 7 week old who is a great tummy sleeper. My problem is that after her last feeding, I put her down and she spits up 2 or 3 times before I ever get her to sleep. I know it's because of the pressure on her tummy. What should I do , feed her and wait an hour or so before putting her to bed? WOuldn't she need more than a catnap to get through all that? Maybe I could feed her, then do bath instead of other way around? Any ideas? What about after the middle of the night feeds? I can't very well keep her upright for an hour after she eats??? It's not relux as it only happens when she's put down soon after feeding.
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Offline jess, lukeys_mom

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Re: tummy sleeper, spitting up just at night
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 07:46:23 am »
Hi, I am going to move this over to the EASY boards as I'm thinking they might be able to help you tweak your evening routine so you don't have to put her down immediately. Can you post your routine so others can have a look? Thanks.
Mom to Luke (2007) and Dylan (2009)

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Re: tummy sleeper, spitting up just at night
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 17:37:06 pm »
She wakes between 7 and her to wake at 8 but I'll take 7! She is eating every 3 hours and has about 1 1/2- 1 3/4 hr awake time..sometimes I can't get her down at 1 1/2 because DD1 is running around. It doesn't seem to bother her. She naps pretty good..usually 1 1/2-2 hours. How long should her catnap be? Lately she has been taking an hour catnap to push her bedtime back. How long should she go after the catnap?
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Re: tummy sleeper, spitting up just at night
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 20:02:09 pm »
How often is ahe waking for feedings at night?

I'm thinking a split feed at bedtime might help - so half before and half after the bath so that her tummy is less ful.

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Re: tummy sleeper, spitting up just at night
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2009, 21:53:46 pm »
How do you find putting your baby to sleep on their tummy?

My baby who is 7 weeks old seems to like to be on his tummy but im always too 'worried' to let him sleep like that! Prob something to do with the fact that all the leaflets they bombarde you with from hospital says they must sleep on their back.

He was fussing alot last night in the night couldnt get him sleep, i placed him on his tummy out of curiosity and he went very quiet all of a sudden and relaxed. But then i couldnt sleep coz i was anxious so ended up rolling him back over lol

Offline ahollifield

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Re: tummy sleeper, spitting up just at night
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2009, 23:35:05 pm »
i was worred too for about a week. I didn't sleep just watching her, but because she's been on her tummy her neck is so strong! She can move it side to side just fine. She sleeps so much better and after going through hell with DD1 sleep training (over a year) I have to get sleep. The only thing is that if I put her down right away she tends to spit up a little, I guess the pressure on her belly. I think that once she gets just a little older that won't be an issue. I asked my doctor about it, and he said its fine. I did ALOT of research on SIDS before I was comfortable with it and I've found that babies even die from SIDS on their back, and they THINK bellies are more dangerous. There are no nlankets or stuff animals etc and she's just fine. I have a friend who just lost her baby boy at 4 months from "SIDS" and was asleep in his back, so there you go.
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Offline jess, lukeys_mom

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Re: tummy sleeper, spitting up just at night
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2009, 21:24:41 pm »
Here is an faq about tummy sleeping for more info:

Ahollified, I think what Liz suggested is probably a good idea if it will work for your lo. My ds1 was refluxey and spit up a lot, I used to offer him one breast, then do his bath and pjs, then the other breast. Maybe that would help reduce the spitting up?
Mom to Luke (2007) and Dylan (2009)