I have been in the EW loop for months and months now. Keep getting stuck in OT loops, adding lots of daytime sleep to catch him up, and then the EWs come back again. Usually because as soon as I move back the first nap he refuses his pm nap and gets OT.
I did try a short am/long pm for quite a while but he was refusing the pm nap regardless of how short it was and I had a very miserable man with a very low amount of total sleep.
I think I might be making a royal mess of this 2-1 thing

and that I actually need to move FAST to 1 nap and then let him adjust. I'm wondering if I keep getting stuck in these loops as I am going to slowly.
When he was 6 mths J was a low sleep needs baby - he finally started taking long naps and was on 3-3.5hrs A.
At 8 mths we went away for a while and the EWs settled as we were doing a 2hr am nap, and a 45min pm catnap. As we recovered from the travel home we went to a short am/ long pm to see if that would help the EWs. We did a 1hr am nap and 1.5-2hr nap nap for a while, and then the EWs returned and I struggled to cut the am nap so he basically ended up doing 2x1hr naps. And the EWs continued on and off throughout.
At 11 months be started refusing naps, and singing for up to an hour at morning naptime or bedtime. It often takes him ages to sing himself to sleep really. The only time he settles quickly is during an OT catch-up period.
We had a dreadful OT loop at about 11 months that ended up in 4am EWs

Since then he has been doing
Awake 6.15am
Nap 1 10.30ish for 1.5hrs
Nap 2 3.30pm for 45 mins
Bedtime 7.15pm
But the am nap is getting shorter - down to about 1h 15 now. He is doing 3hrs A after a 45 min nap but I am back to EWs again. He is not going to bed OT - I can tell as he is still playing nicely and drinks his bottle. He refuses it if OT and flings himself backwards to be put to bed.
Soooo..... trying to muddle all of this out....... low needs for sleep when younger, started cutting daytime sleep at 8 mths, lots of problems with singing for ages at naptimes and bedtimes, and EWs....... 4.5 mths is probably a bit too long to be 'in transition' isn't it? Have I messed this up and just not cut fast enough.
The thing is if I move that am nap back he will sleep about 1.5ish hrs and then refuse the pm nap, and then go to bed OT.
I don't know how to get out of this. He only had one nap yesterday - I had a rare 7.15am wake up (after a hour awake singing at 5am) and put him down at 11.20am. He took 25 mins to sing to sleep and then woke at 1.15pm, refused his pm nap, went to bed really easily but woke at 4.30am

. He did go back to sleep from 5.15 - 6.15am.
Just wondered if anyone else has dealt with this stupid UT/OT cycle and can tell me how to get out of it?!!!
Do I need to 'power through' onto 1 nap? And if I do how do I do it?