Soooo here is today's EASY and I have no idea if I'm on a 3 hour or 4 hour EASY
Our Eat times are non-negotiable since she is on the petite side and needs all the calories she can get! And today's catnap was the longest of the day at 1 hour 15 mins
I had to wake her to start nighttime routine and protect her night sleep. She went to bed a lil later had time with DH so didnt stress it...We had to take dog to vet so stuff is off by 10 -15 mins or so does this make a difference?
E 7:40 am - bottle (usually at 7:30)
A 6:50 am (I don't go in till 7am)
E 8:30 am - cereal
S 9:30 am (put down at 9 am squirmmed when I went in at 9:20 smelled a poopy diaper/changed then off to sleep)
E 10:30 am - bottle
A 10:05 am
E 11:30 am - cereal
S 12:50 am (try to stretch this till 1 pm no way)
E 2:40 pm - bottle (usually this is 2:30pm)
A 1:20 pm
S 4:00 pm
E 5:30 pm - cereal, bath
A 5:10 pm
E 6:30 pm - bottle
S 7:20 pm (little late we usually do 7 pm)
I wonder if being off by 10 - 20 mins every now and then can throw stuff off. I have to go by the clock these days since DD's cues aren't always reliable. The longest nap of the day the catnap
my DD really has a mind of her own however I would aim to have the afternoon nap be the longest.