Hi there
I am reading this with great interest as my wee man has the same issues with very short naps leading to OT by mid afternoon. I am at the end of my tether and have been in major tears today. Cry
I just don't know what to do! My EASY routine is out the window- because I end up not knowing what to do after his short nap as it is not E time again- but was encouraged to see that perhaps at this stage it might look more like EASA E.
Sam will be 10 weeks on Monday. He does the typical waking after 20 mins or 45 mins. I try to resettle but he gets more wound up and by the afternoon is hysterical unless I hold him. If he only does 20 mins then I try to resettle but often he gets really wound up when I put him back down or stop patting him. If he manages 45 mins (which isn't often) then I am happier to just let him get up.
He is great at nights though. Down by 6.30pm (would prefer 7 but with the awful days it usually ends up that he is ready for bed by 6.30!) DF at 10.45pm, wakes for feed at 3.30 and then usually back to sleep til 7 though can be 6 with whimpering til 7 when I go to him. I start every day thinking that it will work out but it goes pear shaped very quickly.
I am wondering how long to give him for A - I usually give him just over an hour. Maybe he needs longer. I put him down and am happy to let him grizzle as I know that he uses that to self settle. Have tried shh/pat but to be honest it took as long if not longer for him to sleep as when I just leave him to self settle, and he still woke up at the same stage.
So today being a typical day, I reckon he got a grand total of an hour and half of sleep! Great - not!
I feel so sad that my days are spent obsessing about his lack of sleep. I get so wound up and upset.
Sad Cry
What can I do to help him sleep through his naps? I am confused about when to use wake to sleep versus HTTJ's. I tried HTTJ today he totally woke up and then got all upset.
HELP me please!!
My EASY routine - today's example
7am E and A
8.15 S - took half an hour to settle
8.45 slept
9.15 woke and was unsettled
10.15 E and A
11.15 S (at a friends house)
11.45 woke up
1.15 E and A
2.20 S (took 20 mins to get to sleep)
2.40 slept
3.15 woke and very unsettled and cranky
4.00 E and A (incl bath etc)
6.30 S
10.45 Dreamfeed (if it goes to plan as it normally does)