My LO is 6,5 months old. She STTN almost since she was born. Our routine is more or less 4 hours EASY, with short naps sometimes (but then earlier bed time). She started to do much better with naps last days and she wakes up at 7.00 a.m. and falls asleep at 7.30 p.m. with DF at 10.30-11.00 p.m. She has reflux (on meds) and she is teething at the moment. She falls asleep with paci, but spits it up after few minutes.
Since several days she wakes up at 10.00 p.m. screaming.
TBH I appreciate she does not do this at 4 a.m. instead
At the beginning I know she had painfull gases, but last days I haven't heard any. Yesterday I gave her medicine for pain reduction to make sure she does not suffer from teething (there are two teeth coming trough).
I was observing her before she woke up - she was very nervous during sleep, she was wriggling a lot, I hold her arms gently to help her but she woke up anyway - screaming ! She didn't take paci, so it can be due to hunger or pain isn't it?
As soon as I took her from crib, she stopped scream, I hold her in my arms a bit ( I suppose there is a bit of AP
), then I put her back to crib, gave her paci and she almost fall back asleep, but after a minute she started to cry again. It was a time for DF so I gave her a bottle, burped her, and put her back to crib, she was wide awake. I just gave her blanket and she fall asleep even without paci. Then she STTN.
I just wonder if it can be a habit or rather hunger or maybe both ? Or maybe something else I do not even think about now?
Should I increase her milk intake during the day ? Maybe I can use this situation and try to start skipping DF and feed her before she wakes up? Or should I rather start W2S?
She also started to take medicine to help her with digesting, so maybe it is just hunger ?
There are so many things happening now that I am just confused.
I will appreciate your advices and help. Thanks a lot in advance.
Sorry for mistakes, but English is not my first language.