Author Topic: Could my DD2 be Lactose Intolerant?  (Read 1170 times)

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Offline chanashleigh

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Could my DD2 be Lactose Intolerant?
« on: October 25, 2009, 05:46:59 am »
Hi Mums,

I am actually going to take DD2 to the Dr but I thought I would find out what other mothers have gone through with their LO's when they have been lactose intolerant. DD2 is 6 months old and has a really bad week. I read that sometimes gastro or tummy bugs can cause problems with babies digesting lactose and can then be ok in about 4 weeks??? The reason I say this is because its just happened all of a sudden.

I started weaning bub off BM when she was 4 months old. Started on 1 bottle of formula, then 2, then 3 bottles over 6-7 weeks. For the last 2 weeks she has been fully formula fed. After the first 7 days she has started pooing every couple of hours which is really unlike her, she was only ever a couple times a week girl (if that). It must  be really acidy because its burning her bottom alot, I am having to change her so much just to try and keep it at bay.

I started solids after that first week of full formula and just gave her farax, we try once a day. She has not really taken to solids yet so I am not sure if its the problem but about 2-3 days ago there are a few occurances throughout the day of her getting quite upset, hard crying and it looks like she is having tummy pain. It looks like she is bucking and it wakes her up. She only really settles until after she has her bottle and does a really big poo which is why I think its her tummy, this seems to be the only thing that helps! Her poo's look pretty normal too although yesterday it looked quite green but otherwise ok  ??? Not sure what frothy poo likes like?

So the only the things that are different is there is no BM and have started solids with farax and tried potatoe yesterday but the same thing has happened. I know she may also have a tummy bug but just thought I would see if anyone else has any experiences or suggestionsas I really have no idea! Thanks!


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Re: Could my DD2 be Lactose Intolerant?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 07:02:22 am »
Hi there. Hugs to your little girl and you sounds like you're having a bit of a rough time. Alot of what you said sounds very similar to my dd- who is Lactose intolerant.
I stopped Bfing at 8 1/2 months, we did it gradually so for a week or so she had formula and bm. She too, broke out in a dreadful rash all over her bottom it got to the point where it was bleeding and she was pooing non-stop too. At first i just thought it was her getting used to formula but after about 3-4 weeks I thought I should try change the formula to a different brand (as people were telling me the one I'd put her on had been known to cause upset stomachs). We started having NWings, screaming fits, throwing herself around etc. I ended up taking her to the drs as she had a reaction to peanut butter (a whole other story!) and from there we discovered that she is also lactose intolerant. Stopped formula immediately and put her on a lactose free one, cut yoghurts out of her diet as well, she does ok with a little bit of grated cheese but if she has anything with lactose in it now and you can gauruntee she'll be an upset baby afterwards. I'd definitely go get your dd2 checked out, my dd is 13 months now and its taken a while to sort her out but she is just a different child! I've become an avid label reader when getting the groceries now too :)

Take Care