Hi all,
I will try and make this short and to the point!
4.5 mth old DS has never slept through the night. He goes down well in the evening around 7, usually sleeps well till around 10.30/11.00 at which point he wakes and gets dream feed. This is the part of the night where he sleeps the best.
Sleeps through undisturbed till around 2.30 am. Wakes up, we go in to him and try and pat shush him back to sleep. Might sleep again for 15 /30 mins/1 hr but will always wake again soon and we do the same. So basically between 2 and 5 am we are in to him resettling him 2,3,4, sometimes 5 times.
He is not hungry when this happens, but usually when he wakes at 4.00/4.30 he will only sleep for another 30 mins, wont settle back to sleep at all so I take him up and feed him.
Back to bed then around 5/5.30, sleeps for another hour, then up at about 6.45 am with a big smile on his face!! Never that hungry then either, he rarely looks for food for a while. He has always been like this - the only difference when he was younger was that I fed him earlier, around 3 am.
We are gently weaning off dummy at the moment as we were afraid he was unable to get himself back to sleep. Having some success ( as in he is sleeping without it) but the frequent wakings still persist. He was breastfed, but now on mostly bottles & will be off breast completely this wk.
Any ideas?
?? Much appreciated