Author Topic: 6.5 months old, eating solids question.  (Read 898 times)

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6.5 months old, eating solids question.
« on: November 02, 2009, 15:29:32 pm »
Hiya Ladies,

I am noticing that a lot of you space out the feedings so that there is time between the milk feeding and the solids feeding. My son is 6.5 months, and is just a little on the big side for his age (18.5 pounds and 28 inches long at his 6 mo check up). We started baby cereal just before bed at 4 months, and now he is up to the normal amount during the day for his age. He is angel/textbook/touchy evenly, which makes things interesting. He loves to eat but doesn't want to do it all day; he wants to get it over with and move on. He will never nurse when it is not "time", and goes on nursing strikes that can last up to 14 hours when he is upset by teething, travelling, etc. We have been on EASY since 7 weeks.

Anyway, here is my question: I have been giving him his solids immediately after nursing in order to keep things as neat and tidy for him as possible. Is this okay? Is there a particular reason to wait 30-60 minutes between those feedings, as many of you seem to be doing? I feel dumb asking this, but I am new to this whole mommyhood thing. I know that part of that is doing what works for your baby, but I am wondering why I am doing things a bit differently than many other moms and if that is ok. Also, is he getting enough to eat, based on our routine? He will eat more than I give him, but he gets barfy afterwards if I do give him more. I assume that is because he eats solids right after the BF, so I just stick with a few tbsp for now.

He is still up at night and we are dropping the CN right now, but I will post that question in the appropriate forum.

Anyway, here is our general routine in case you are wondering. It changes a bit day-to-day depending on when he wakes up of course, but this is what it generally looks like. The time change has thrown him for a loop, and he has woken up between 5-6 am the last two days... I am hoping that this is temporary.

6/7 am: Wake up, BF
8/9: Nap
10/11: BF, baby cereal (2-4 tbsp)
12/1: Nap
2/3: BF, fruit puree (3-4 tbsp)
4/5: CN (I am starting to work him into a 2 nap day right now, because he has been resisting this lately)
5/6: BF, veggie puree (3-4 tbsp)
A: night time routine (bath, massage, stories, etc)
6:45/7:30: 8 oz bottle, then off to bed.

He will eat baby mum-mums or other crackers if I offer them between meals, and will chew on apple slices or other things through this net/bag thingy that I have to put food in.

Thanks for any input! Sorry this is so long!


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Re: 6.5 months old, eating solids question.
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2009, 15:33:00 pm »
Only reason why we wait is so that milk is not interfered with and lo's are hungry enough to eat the solids. If your lo is fine with milk then solid straight after lucky you! No feeding all day xxx