I am also a mommy of 2 and would love some advice. My son (who is now 5 months) usually takes short naps, but has also taken some long ones. About 2 weeks ago, he started taking longer 1st naps (hour 1/2), but this week, after the time change, he's back to short naps. Also, he is waking up every 1 or 2 hours. I only feed him once, but I have to keep getting up & reswaddling him & staying with him until he's asleep. He is not a crier at all, but once he's awake, he's awake.
The past few mornings, I've kept him up 2 hours, and his nap time is only 30 minutes, which makes me believe he's overtired/overstimulated. This is what our morning looks like:
-Son wakes up, plays in crib for around 20-30 minutes
-Activity - he usually is on the floor with a toy. I get my daughter up (3 years old), and he watches her. I think that this could be very stimulating for him, but there's not much I can do about that. I can't keep her in bed, and I can't put him in a room without her.
Another issue that I have is that he doesn't get himself back to sleep well if his arms have come unswaddled, but he's strong enough now that they pop out as soon as he wakes up. (I'm pretty good at swaddling, so I don't think that's a problem.) I unswaddled my daughter at 7 months & introduced a lovey at the time, but I'm afraid of introducing one at my son's age due to SIDS.
My final question is about eating. When he takes such short naps, I need to put him back down early because he's too tired to stay up. That means that if I feed during that period, it's only been 2 1/2 - 3 hours between feedings. He's not even really hungry. Should I not nurse him?